Inspiring Hope. Creating Peace.

Community Helping Community.


We invite you to partner with PEACE BY PIECE for as little as $2 a week as we endeavour to see all students in New Zealand resourced and empowered for learning. 

It can be difficult to attach a value to the feeling that peace provides. It is additionally challenging to feel that you can help make a difference if you are unable to give in a large quantity. 

Yet, how do you run a marathon? One foot in front of the other, one kilometre at a time until you reach the finish line.

So what does PEACE BY PIECE mean? Together, this community can provide peace, one piece of stationery at a time. Your donation, big or small, will equate to a piece of stationery that will in turn contribute to peace for a student. A peace that comes in the form of a tangible need that is being met. Peace that a child can now start school on time because they have all of the necessary tools for learning. The wider we grow this community, the more impact we can make. With that, the circle of peace and hope continue to carry on.

We realise that times are tough. Imagine that the families doing life tough will be facing even greater hurdles. But they do not have to run the race alone. 

The average cost of stationery for a primary aged student is $100. This cost includes a new backpack and all of the required stationery for each child. With assistance given to over 600 students during our first six years, you can be assured that each dollar donated will make an impact on future generations.

‘it takes a village to raise a child’

School DP

“Jennifer Cherry and her Back2School team are a thread of support stitched into our community for families and children in need. The Back2School Project has supported our school families in need of support for three years now, providing backpacks at the beginning of each school year - full of all the school’s stationery for the year. More recently, the Back2School Team has been supporting families in home isolation due to Covid19. The children in these families are provided resources to keep them engaged in some independent activities during the long isolation period. Thank you to Jen and her team for all your support.”

Are you ready to join the effort to offer PEACE BY PIECE?

Imagine how your weekly giving will add up to make a big impact. Start by creating an automatic bank payment today. If you would like a tax deduction, please send us an email so we can send you a receipt.


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We are currently working on our donor newsletter process! Would you please send us an email with your information so that we can keep you up to date with how your donation is making an impact.